
Shopify Case Study


The Shopify case study was an effort to identify areas of opportunity for immediate improvement in the customer and retailer user experience. 


By : Houston Kiel-Vine, Melody Gamble, Zoe Worsnip, Benjamin Laflamme

Role : UX Design and Prototyping


We began by journey mappping the current experience from both a retailer and a customer standpoint in order to see the experience from start to finish. The use of customer testimony as well as our conversations with Shopify allowed us to maximize the fidelity of our mapping. 


Using the journey map, trend forecast, and analysis, we developed a series of short and long term initiatives to be implemented throughout the Shopify experience. 


The opportunities we highlighted were then worked into nowable solution that were fleshed out and prototyped using digital solutions.


If you wish to view the entire report it is linked below